
we are

The vision that has driven us for thirty years is the same as that of those who trust in our experience and ability: To undertake and grow in an environment committed to the community to which we belong.


    Convexia Business Solutions

      Personal information:
      It will be necessary to answer these and some other questions for our management to be able to prepare a proposal of services adjusted to your administrative requirements:

      What kind of business does/will your company operate in Argentina?

      Is it a local or foreign undertaking?

      Is it a manufacturing company, or does it only sell or render services?

      Which is the market segment your company belongs to?

      In which area of our country do/will you develop your business?

      How many purchase transactions do you make or do you estimate for your company?

      And, what about sales?

      How many banks do you operate with or believe that you will operate with?

      Do/Will you use own accounting-administrative software or could it be adapted to ours?

      Are you considering having your own payroll?

      Will you require a full service or a segmented service?

      In the event of a segmented service, could you please inform us which ones?

      Will you need paralegal services?

      Do/Will you have a legal advisor in Argentina?

      Preferably complete all the information for better budgeting.