
frequent questions

What distinguishes Convexia from other companies in the area of ​​outsourced administration and accounting services?

All our jobs are filled with professionals from the Economic Sciences major or by advanced students of this field. Those positions whose services do not require university knowledge are occupied by personnel with extensive experience in the matters for which they are responsible.

The management of Convexia maintains a close and continuous relationship with the work team and with the issues of the daily work of our administrations, without losing the global vision of the business.

Our pride is to promote an open door policy with all members of our staff and generate direct access for our clients for the consultations that their day-to-day tasks require.

In addition, we have the advice of Brea Solans & Asociados, which keeps us continually updated regarding the services we provide to our clients and all matters that are of our business interest.

In summary, we provide an efficient BPO service, rooted in our experience and developed to the needs of each of our clients, with the standards of a large company and the added value of a unique professional staff.

Experience - Professionalism - Efficiency - Adaptability
How does Convexia propose to develop value in its companies?

Convexia proposes to develop value in each of our clients by ensuring excellence in service and allowing them to have the security of risk-free professional administration.

The accounting that we issue will comply not only with the accounting standards in force in Argentina but also with those requested of us for consolidation purposes with the parent companies; It will also be accurate, timely and useful for management purposes.

The continuous monitoring of the administration by specialists in accounting, administrative, monetary and exchange regulations, fiscal, labor and pension matters will ensure that they comply with all regulatory standards in these areas in a timely manner, also taking advantage of all those benefits in the matter in which the company may apply due to its activity or its location among other parameters.

Convexia also has strategic alliances with other service providers, such as insurance brokers, commercial bookstore services, hardware or network installations, customs agents, logistics service providers or documentation custody and custody services to which we can refer, contact or contract on your behalf if required to optimize their indirect costs when they apply to their activities.

Let’s also add the economic savings of having an optimal work team appropriate to your needs, complying with each and every one of Convexia’s own procedures and those that the clients’ own control standards require us to do above our own, but without the labor or pension contingencies that a similar line team would imply.

An administrative-financial department in our workplaces forming an integral part of your company.

Each operational or support sector of our firm has its own procedures that together make up Convexia’s “Procedures Manual.”

The standards refer to the strictest internal control regulations in all areas of action. Our firm’s original Manual, generated at the moment of its creation, has gone through continuous updates as external and internal requirements have demanded it.

Currently, we are in a renewal and update plan, preparing all our systems and procedures to apply ISO standards in the not distant future.

Compliance with the firm’s standards and procedures is supervised by an internal audit committee that periodically audits the work teams and reports directly to a committee of reviewing Partners different from the Partners in charge of each of our clients.

Data Protection

Convexia complies with all local regulations in this matter and serves various clients of foreign origin, for which it also complies with the existing standards in their countries of origin, which are required by their parent companies.

There are also specific regulations in Argentina on the comprehensive protection of personal data established in public or private organizations to guarantee the right to honor and privacy of people.


      Datos personales
      Estas y algunas otras preguntas será necesario responder para que nuestra gerencia realice una oferta de servicios ajustada a sus requerimientos de administración:

      ¿Cuál es el negocio que su compañía desarrolla o desarrollará en Argentina?

      ¿Es un emprendimiento local o extranjero?

      ¿Es una empresa productiva, solo comercializadora o prestadora de servicios?

      ¿Qué segmento de mercado es el suyo?

      ¿En qué zona del país desarrolla o desarrollará sus negocios?

      ¿Qué magnitud de cantidad de operaciones de compras realiza o prevé para su empresa?

      ¿Y de ventas?

      ¿Con cuántos bancos opera o considera operar?

      ¿Utiliza o utilizará un sistema informático administrativo contable propio o se podrá adaptar al nuestro?

      ¿Considera tener nómina propia de personal?

      ¿Requerirá de un servicio completo o segmentado?

      ¿En caso de ser segmentado, podría por favor informarnos cuáles serían?

      ¿Requerirá de servicios para legales?

      ¿Cuenta o contará Ud. con un asesor legal en Argentina?

      Preferentemente completar todos los datos para una mejor presupuestación